The 26 Most Popular Words in German - English Seeker

The 26 Most Popular Words in German - English Seeker

Learning the most popular words can help you master German faster. Knowing these German words can boost your confidence and conversational ability.

The 26 Most Popular Words in German:

Danke – thank you

Ja – yes

Genug – enough

Bitte – please

Jung – young

Nein – no

Arbeiten – to work

Neu – new

Entschuldigung – sorry

Einfach – easy or simple

Wollen – to want

Richtig – correct

Eigen – own

Verschieden – different

Wissen – to know

Stark – strong

Viel – very much

Denken – to think

Wichtig – important

Bleiben – to stay

Klein – small or short

Gut – good

Alt – old

Gleich – same

Hoch – high

Wirklich – real