The 50 Opposite Words in English - English Seeker

The 50 Opposite Words in English - English Seeker

The 50 Opposite Words in English:

Cheap – expensive

Accept – refuse

Increase – decrease

Always – never

Safe – dangerous

Accurate – inaccurate

Day – night

After – before

Dark – light

Best – worst

Dry – wet

Big – small

Boy – girl

Dirty – clean

Brave – scared

Same – different

Bad – good

Buy – sell

Certain – uncertain

Hot – cold

Go – come

Complete – incomplete

Expand – contract

Full – empty

Difficult – easy

Fast – slow

Back – front

Happy – sad

Show – hide

Low – high

Husband – wife

Idle – busy

North – south

Include – exclude

King – queen

Short – long

Love – hate

Right – left

First – last

Tight – loose

Few – many

Single – married

Near – far

Quiet – noisy

New – old

Pass – fail

Rich – poor

Weak – strong

Sour – sweet

Winter – summer

Start – finish

Read MoreThe 20 Synonyms Words in English